Monday, October 24, 2011

The Deed is Done!

My eldest was married this weekend! And since this is a craft blog....the above picture includes some of the items that I made over the past 13 months for her wedding. Not included were the bridal bouquets, etched glasses, and jewelry that she made.


  1. Congratulations! (Been there - done it - twice) I have just now discovered your blog, and I must say, what a delight! Can't wait to peruse. I came for the Mummy card - too cute - via extremecards. Love your stuff!

  2. Congratulations to your daughter - how wonderful to be able to include your (and hers!) lovely handmade work.

    Hi from EtsyGreetings!

    Empty On the Inside
    Dough, Dirt & Dye

  3. Congratulations on your daughter's wedding - God bless the happy couple!
    Just wanted to say that I've always enjoyed reading your blog and you've always given me tons of inspiration. Your creativity is astounding. Have a great week!

